Customer Scenario – A chlorine handling company based in India was in need for a capping solution on a convex head ton container made in Poland.  The ton container had a multi-bolted valve flange on its face and with a virtually straight wall end housing on a convex head container.  An additional requirement included being able to contain a leaking valve on the face of the ton container with a pneumatic valve actuator attached.  A sidewall patching device was requested as well.

Solution: A custom designed hood (12AX9) was developed to allow the hood to be seated over the pneumatic valve actuator and seat on the face with a custom designed flat gasket.  The Yoke assembly required attachment to a thin walled housing with little taper.  The Indian Springs Universal Yoke Assembly 28CL1 with adjustable clamp and sliding T-bolt design was used.   The 28CL1 used yoke clamps similar in design to the patented clamps on the Indian Springs ERK 18C Yoke.  This adjustable assembly allowed for attachment anywhere on the chime of the container.