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DOME-SO2 Sulfur Dioxide Rail Car/Tank Truck Training Device
Price: $5590
Weight: 400 lbs
Availability: Due to weight restrictions this item cannot be ordered online. Please call 315-635-6101 to place an order.
Product Details
The training dome is designed to simulate leaks in a SO2 railcar using 4 pcs - 2" product valves with a standard 18" cover plate and 26-1/2" Housing. Indian Springs ERK or modified Kit-C is required for use.
The valve manifold allows the instructor to simulate a leak, with water or compressed air, in the pressure relief device and two of the angle valves. Note: the training dome comes standard with 4 pcs. 2" outlet product valves. Alternative Valve configurations must be quoted separately.
- Angle Valve Leaks (gas or liquid)
- Pressure Relief Device Leaks
- Opening and Closing of Angle Valves 2"
- Removal and Replacement of Outlet Plug
- Tightening Valve Anchor and Manway Cover Bolts